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Club Constitution


1. Name
The club will be known as Huddersfield Dragons Hockey Club and will be affiliated to
Yorkshire Hockey Association (YHA), North Hockey Association (NHA) and England Hockey
Limited (EHL).

2. Objects of the club
2.1 Mission Statement; To establish Huddersfield Dragons HC as the best hockey club in Yorkshire.
2.2 To promote, develop & encourage hockey for adults, young people & children.
2.3 Facilitate the maintenance & improvement of standards of playing, umpiring & coaching.
2.4 To maintain & effectively manage the accounts of the club to always maintain a positive
2.5 To maintain & develop a strong social network.

3. Headquarters
The Headquarters of the club are situated on the grounds of Lockwood Park Sports Club.

4. Management
4.1 The management of the club will be undertaken by the managing committee (“the Committee”)
which will be made up of the club’s officers to a maximum of 10 persons. The makeup of the
Committee will be 50/50 but no more than a 60/40 split between men and ladies, unless agreed
by a two-thirds majority vote at a General Meeting. There shall be a presumption that the
Committee shall comprise of the following officers: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Fixture Secretary, Men’s Club Captain, Ladies Club Captain, Social Secretary, Marketing Secretary, Membership Secretary and Youth Co-ordinator unless otherwise agreed by a two-thirds majority vote at a General Meeting.
4.2 A quorum shall be half the total members of the Committee. The Chairman will have the
deciding vote in the event of a tie.
4.3 The officers of the club which make up the Committee shall be elected by ballot at the AGM,
such members having been previously proposed and seconded. They shall hold office until the
next AGM, when they shall retire, but shall be eligible for re-election from year to year.
4.4 The Committee may fill any casual vacancy that occurs.
4.5 The Committee has the power to co-opt any member as it sees fit but this person will not have a
4.6 The Committee will meet on the first Monday of each month throughout the year.
4.7 The Committee shall;
4.7.1 Prescribe the policies of the club
4.7.2 Formulate and oversee the implementation of long term plans, budgets and the allocation
of sponsorship and funds raised
4.7.3 Ratify the appointment of designated representatives and sub-committees and co-ordinate
their work
4.7.4 Appoint representatives to the YHA as required and appoint a Child Protection
Representative and shall adopt the Child Protection Policy of England Hockey as from
time to time amended
4.7.5 The President or a representative nominated by the Committee will represent the club and
its interests on the general Committee of HRUFC
4.7.6 Keep proper minutes and records of meetings
4.7.7 Keep proper financial records
4.7.8 Implement the club’s disciplinary procedure and code of conduct.
4.7.9 Will convene a special general meeting in accordance with the rule of this constitution
and at its discretion shall call such other club meetings at the request of any fully paid up
member as it sees fit.
4.8 There shall be appointed at the AGM an auditor, or auditors who shall audit the statement of
accounts and balance sheet for the ensuing year.
4.9 The selection Committee will be made up of the team captains and the coaching staff and will
meet each Monday during the season.
4.10 The club may elect a President and/or Vice President by ballot at the AGM, such members
having been previously proposed and seconded. They shall hold office for a term not exceeding
3 years. At the expiry of the President's term of office or in the event that he or she shall resign
or be unable or unwilling to continue in office, the Vice President shall become President unless
he or she is unable or unwilling to do so. The President and/or the Vice President shall attend
Committee meetings but shall not be entitled to vote.

5. Honorary Life Members
5.1 The committee may elect as an honorary life member, on payment of a continual £50 membership fee, any member of not less than [10] years' standing who has in the opinion of the Committee rendered services to the club.
5.2 Any non playing honorary member only pays the £50 reduced membership fee per season.
5.3 Any playing honorary member is still liable to pay the current match fee on top of the reduced £50 membership fee per season.
5.3 The President shall unless the Committee elects otherwise become an honorary life member at
the expiry of his or her term of office.

6. Assets
The assets of the club (cash & equipment) shall be under control of the Treasurer to be dealt with as
directed by resolution of the Committee. All club transactions must have the signatures of two
appointed signatories.

7. Membership & Subscriptions
7.1 In order to be considered a “member” of the club each person must have;
7.1.1 Completed a membership form
7.1.2 Paid their annual membership in full or have set up a standing order
7.1.3 Signed both the code of conduct and the members charter
7.2 The annual subscription and categories of membership shall be fixed at the preceding AGM
7.3 Any member whose subscription remains unpaid or is in arrears (if paying by standing order) on
31st October shall at the option of the Committee be debarred the privileges of the club.
7.4 The Committee has the right to decline membership to any person
7.5 Match fees shall be paid by all members playing in matches as set out by the Committee.
7.6 It is the responsibility of each member to inform the membership secretary of any changes in
their circumstances
7.7 A member wishing to withdraw from the club must give notice in writing to the membership
7.8 Expulsion;
7.8.1 The Committee may expel any member who offends against the rules of the club or
whose conduct, in the opinion of the Committee renders them unfit for membership of
the club
7.8.2 The member must be given 7 days written notice to attend a meeting of the Committee
where the individual concerned would be informed of the complaint
7.8.3 No member may be expelled unless they have had the opportunity to answer the
complaints made against them in front of the Committee and had at least two thirds of
the Committee present vote in favour of expulsion.

8. Finance
8.1 `The income of the club shall be derived from membership subscriptions, sponsorship and
match fees and, subject to the approval of the Committee, from any other source.
8.2 Income will be allocated equitably and as agreed by the Committee
8.3 Junior Hockey should be seen as be a priority of the club and should receive a similar level of
funding to that of Senior Hockey.
8.4 Annual accounts shall be made up to 30th April in each year.
8.5 Audited accounts shall be presented at the AGM

9. General Meetings
9.1 The annual general meeting of the club shall be held before the last day of June, on a weekday
to be selected by the Committee. Twelve members must be present to constitute a quorum at
a general meeting.
9.2 The Committee may call an Extraordinary General Meeting when any question of importance
shall arise, but shall be bound to do so within 21 days on receiving a requisition signed by ten
members of the club, or by one fifth of the members of the club, for the time being whichever
is less. Twelve members must be present to constitute a quorum at an Extraordinary General
9.3 At least seven day’s notice of any General Meeting specifying the business to be transacted
shall be sent to every member by letter or e-mail to his or her address on the club database.

10. Alteration of Rules
No rule of the Club shall be repealed or altered, and no new rule shall be made save by a two-thirds
majority of the members present and voting at a general meeting, fourteen days notice of the intention
to propose any new rule or alteration shall be given to the secretary

11. Colours
The colours of the club shall be purple shirts with burgundy trim, black shorts and purple socks. All
members must play in club colour except where otherwise dictated by the Committee.

12. Voting
In all matters affecting the club, to be entitled to vote each person must be a member (please refer to
7.1) or an honorary member and must be aged sixteen years or over on the date of the meeting shall
be entitled to vote.


Club Constitution
